Genealogy Services
When it comes to our services, you can count on us to put everything we have into finding what you are looking for. We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service and commitment to your search.
Our genealogy related research is based on documents made available to researchers in the public domain, so not every desired record can be found if it was lost to fire or has not been published yet. However, we assure you we will provide with you everything we are able to locate based on your requested search. Let us know how we may assist you today.
Service Offerings
Webb Genealogy Services is proud to showcase our primary service offerings. Below you will see the variety of areas in which we may assist your search.
Additional service are available. Please contact us directly so we may review your needs and develop a customized solution for you.
Beginner Family Tree Research
Beginner Family Tree Research will provide you with a basic family tree identifying family blood line relationships; starting with you and/or your parents. Our report will extend back two generations where information is available electronically in the public domain. A detailed report will be provided to the client at the conclusion of the research. Please print and complete the Ancestral Chart to get started.
Family Tree Review Services
Family Tree Review Services requires the client to have an existing tree. Access to the tree would be required in order to complete the review. Many researches have unrealized errors in their trees as a result of accepting work of others that has not always been validated. Our team will review your tree for common errors and provide you documentation of review completion with any correction recommendations.
Full Service Search
The Full Service Search option combines all available research services at one time. The result will be based on a client's existing tree or a Beginner Family Tree Search with any digital documents, newspaper articles, additional family history, etc. that may be found within the number of hours of research requested or flat fee paid by the client.
Newspaper Searches
Items found in news articles, such as obituaries, often provide significant clues to family histories. Basic hourly searches include review of online archives. An Extended option, available in Northeast Ohio only, includes time and expense allowed for visits to libraries to manually review microfiche rolls. Copies of articles identified will be provided.
Photo Scanning Services
Do you have piles of old family photos laying around that you would love to have in a digital format? We can help! In a matter of a couple weeks, your original photos will be scanned and returned to you with a flash drive of digital copies for you to save and share as you please.
Record Search & Document Retrieval
Individuals often seek specific record documentation. Based on location and year, records are available in either actual or index format. Please note, due to fires over the years, there are certain records that no longer exist (i.e., 1890 United States Census). Certain copies are only available by special order from city, state or country. Approval will be obtained before any additional per document cost may be incurred.
Tracing Family History
We continue the Beginner Family Tree Research further into extended (aunts, uncles, cousins) and prior generations where information is available in the public domain. Dependent on location of the records some searches may be continued in local courthouses, parishes, etc. A full report of extended familial information identified will be provided.
Additional Services Available
Beginner Family Tree Research
Beginner Family Tree Research will provide you with a basic family tree identifying family blood line relationships; starting with you and/or your parents. Our report will extend back two generations where information is available electronically in the public domain. A detailed report will be provided to the client at the conclusion of the research. Please print and complete the Ancestral Chart to get started.
Full Service Search
The Full Service Search option combines all available research services at one time. The result will be based on a client's existing tree or a Beginner Family Tree Search with any digital documents, newspaper articles, additional family history, etc. that may be found within the number of hours of research requested or flat fee paid by the client.
Photo Scanning Services
Do you have piles of old family photos or letters laying around that you would love to have in a digital format? We can help! In a matter of a couple weeks, your original photos will be scanned and returned to you with a flash drive of digital copies for you to save and share as you please.
Existing Family Tree Review Services
Family Tree Review Services requires the client to have an existing tree. Access to the tree would be required in order to complete the review. Many researches have unrealized errors in their trees as a result of accepting work of others that has not always been validated. Our team will review your tree for common errors and provide you documentation of review completion with any correction recommendations.
Newspaper & Obituary Searches
Items found in news articles, such as obituaries, often provide significant clues to family histories. Basic hourly searches include review of online archives. An Extended option, available in Northeast Ohio only, includes time and expense allowed for visits to libraries to manually review microfiche rolls. Copies of articles identified will be provided.
Record Search & Document Retrieval
Individuals often seek specific record documentation. Based on location and year, records are available in either actual or index format. Please note, due to natural disasters or fires throughout the years, there are certain records that no longer exist (i.e., the 1890 United States Census). Certain copies are only available by special order from the country, state, county or city.