Webb Genealogy Services, LLC
Our Story
Christina J. Webb
Member of the National Genealogical Society

Born out of my father's desire to learn about his family history, Webb Genealogy Services, LLC grew from a mere curiosity to a fully developed passion. As a result, we believe that we now live in an age where learning where we come from is easier than ever. However, we also live in an age where personal time to pursue genealogical research is extremely limited.
This is where we come in!
Using multiple resources, we are able to provide you with standard
genealogy services, to include:
Beginner Family Tree Research
Full Search Services
Photo Scanning Services (Northeast Ohio Only)
Also, if you don't have family tree development or research needs,
we are also available to assist with:
Existing Family Tree Review Services
Newspaper & Obituary Searches*
Record Search & Document Retrieval*
Contact us today to learn more about our genealogical services.
* please note some domestic and international records are not publicly available